Fons Technology International Machinery Industry and Trade Limited Company acts in accordance with the following principles in order to keep the information security at the highest level in the field of cement and cement technologies, where we operate and can be easily accessed at any time.
Confidentiality: Access to information only by authorized persons,
Integrity: Protection of information from unauthorized alterations and recognition when changed,
Accessibility: The information is available at any time by authorized users..
Our company acts with the awareness that the information produced in our company should be protected in the highest level of security understanding; In order to manage the information in printed and electronic environment, which is the basis of the information security concept by adhering to its mission and vision, in the light of legal regulations and by using risk methods according to the principles of basılı confidentiality, integrity and accessibility misyon;
- To fulfill the requirements of information security standards,
- To comply with all legal regulations related to information security,
- Identify risks to information assets and manage risks in a systematic way,
- To continuously review and improve the Information Security Management System,
- In order to increase the awareness of information security, the Bank develops main policies in order to develop technical and behavioral competencies.
- In order to create a successful and effective information security awareness process, the duties and responsibilities in this area need to be clearly defined.
As a result, the aim of the Information Security Policy is to protect the information assets, to ensure the confidentiality of information and data, to protect against the unauthorized persons who will try to disrupt its integrity and thus to eliminate the situations that will undermine the trust and reputation of our company.